Dangerzone receives favorable audit

Apple’s device surveillance plan is a threat to user privacy – and press freedom

Record Breaking Number of Journalists Arrested in the U.S. This Year

How journalists use youtube-dl, the media tool RIAA forced offline

Signal Technology Foundation is now open for donations

Newsrooms, let’s talk about G Suite

Encryption toolkit for media makers

The Justice Dept's secret rules for targeting journalists with FISA court orders

Everything the Government Did to WikiLeaks Is Now Done to Mainstream Reporters

Manuel Duran, a journalist who has criticized and exposed ICE, could be deported

James Dolan, co-creator of SecureDrop, passed away at age 36

Archiving the alternative press threatened by wealthy buyers

Introducing Haven, the open source security system in your pocket

Over 150 filmmakers and photojournalists call on major camera manufacturers to build encryption into their cameras

In preparation to join US wars, Japan dismantles freedom of the press

Donate to Chelsea Manning's Legal Defense

Announcing the new version of SecureDrop

Our brief in support of Twitter's First Amendment suit against the US government