Microsoft, this is a breakthrough: Windows 11 will update without rebooting

Tesla has been polluting water in Germany for a long time, which is why its plant may be closed.

“In 10 years, computers will be doing this a million times faster.” The head of Nvidia does not believe that there is a need to invest trillions of dollars in the production of chips for AI

Microsoft is getting rid of WordPad after 28 years – the veteran editor has been present in the OS since Windows 95

Microsoft is removing Maps and Movies and TV from Windows 11

Finally, wireless headphones will support Lossless. Qualcomm S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 SoCs with Micro-power Wi-Fi support introduced

You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users

Japan allocated $80,000,000 to Astroscale Japan for research and removal of space debris

The Firefox browser now has a built-in page translator that works even without the Internet

Google tightens the screws on YouTube ad blockers: three attempts and the video player will be blocked

Apple and Foxconn win permission for 12-hour shifts for women in India

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang wants to run the company for another 30-40 years, and then become a robot and continue to hold this post

Nokia 1680 phone gets new PCB, runs mainline Linux

Chery QQ Ice Cream EV car goes on sale in China for USD$4600 can carry 4 persons