
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The Monads Hurt My Head --- But Not Anymore (2009)

Galois Theory

Math writing is dull when it neglects the human dimension

Lectures on Applied Category Theory

PGP Signed Comments

A Curious Integral

Mathematics and Magic: The de Bruijn Card Trick (2015)

Brotli [in Apache] (2019)

You are quite right, and my original response was wrong. I withdraw my claim

You Could Have Invented De Bruijn Indices

Native Type Theory (Part 2)

Native Type Theory

Nishan Canagarajah Screws Up

This Week's Finds (1--50)

Entropy and Diversity on the arXiv

No New Normed Division Algebra Found! | The n-Category Café

Linear Logic Flavoured Composition of Petri Nets

In Further Praise of Dependent Types – The N-Category Café

EGA Chapter 1: The Language of Schemes

The Riemann Hypothesis (Part 2)

The Riemann Hypothesis

Turing Categories

Linguistics Using Category Theory (2018)

The Riemann Hypothesis Says 5040 Is the Last

In Praise of Dependent Types | The n-Category Café

Analysis in Higher Gauge Theory

Gradual Typing [for category theorists]

An M5-Brane Model

On Writing Short Papers

A Compositional Framework for Reaction Networks – John Baez (2017)

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