
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Self-Funding Harberger Taxes

Towards Nyquist Learners

Why so few Matt Levines?

The Origins of PostScript

Why to Not Write a Book

Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought [pdf]

How Should We Critique Research? (2019)

Why Cats Knock Stuff Over (2023)

Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement (2022)

Evolution as Backstop for Reinforcement Learning

Epigrams in Programming (1982) [pdf]

My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s (2019)

Writing a GPT-4 script to check Wikipedia for the first unused acronym

Nicotine (2016)

Are Sunk Costs Fallacies? (2012)

Technology holy wars are coordination problems (2020)

Utext: Rich Unicode Documents

Sidenotes in Web Design

Absolute Unit NNs: Regression-Based MLPs for Everything

Internet search tips

The Neural Net Tank Urban Legend

A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity (1995) [pdf]

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy [pdf] (2005)

On Having Enough Socks (2019)

Feynman’s Maze-Running Story

Open Questions

The invention of selective breeding was unbelievably late (2019)

GPT-3 Creative Fiction (2020)

It Looks Like You’re Trying to Take over the World

A Matchbox Game-Learning Machine (1991)

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