
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

SQLite Gets Into Vector Search

The Rust Foundation is Reviewing and Improving Rust's Security

Claude Engineer Amplifies Your Code

Perl and Raku Conference 2024 Sessions Now Available Online

Chainguard Images Now Come With JCK Certified Java

JSNation 2024 Sessions Now Available Online

Pgai Brings Your ML Workload To The Database (PostgreSQL)

Learn Cryptography Without The Math

The Mycelial SQLite For Beginners Course

Microsoft Goes All Out On Generative AI

FORTRAN and COBOL Re-enter TIOBE's Ranking of Programming Language Popularity

GitHub and Gradle Partner To Strengthen Supply Chain Security

New Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK Build Released

Dev Tunnels - An Alternative to Ngrok For .NET Users

Oracle Database 23ai - Feel the Difference

Let PostgreSQL Pick An Index For You

NVIDIA Releases Free Courses On AI

Eclipse JKube 1.16 Goes GA

ZLUDA Ports CUDA Applications To AMD GPUs

Query Your Oracle Autonomous Database With Natural Language

The WinterJS Javascript Runtime Is Asking For Your Attention

EU Bug Bounty - Software Security as a Civil Right [In answer to "Corporations expect free and urgent support from volunteers"

AWS Introduces a New JavaScript Runtime for Lambda

Running PostgreSQL Inside Your Browser With PGLite

100 Episodes of 5mins of Postgres

WasmCon 2023 Sessions Now Online

JConference January 2024 Sessions Now Online

NTP Timelord Dies

Wasmer JS SDK - WebAssembly In The Browser

Dolt - A Version Controlled Database

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