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Enhanced chemical weathering following continental breakup may have driven a succession of Mesozoic oceanic anoxic events, according to tectonic and biogeochemical modelling

Long-distance travel's carbon impact: 2.7% of UK residents' trips are over 50 miles but they cause 70% of travel emissions

Rate of global warming caused by humans at an all-time high

Gluten sensitivity influenced by negative expectations

Climate change is disrupting the seasonal flow of rivers in the far northern latitudes of America, Russia and Europe, posing a threat to water security and ecosystems

A rare disorder which causes babies to be born with extra fingers and toes has been identified

Harmful emissions from the industrial sector could be reduced by up to 85% across the world

A cheap and widely available prescription drug -amitriptyline- can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in patients seen in general practitioner surgeries

Extreme El Niño weather switched off South American's carbon sink

Consumers in the richer, developed nations will have to accept restrictions on their energy use if international climate change targets are to be met

World War II-style rationing could be an effective way to reduce carbon emissions, according to new research from the University of Leeds.

Education system ‘neglecting the importance of plants’

AI can identify heart disease from an eye scan

During long portions of the past 2.4 billion years, the Earth may have been more inhospitable to life than scientists previously thought

Nations are overusing natural resources faster than they are meeting basic human needs

Global warming has caused extreme ice melting events in Greenland to become more frequent and more intense over the past 40 years according to new research, raising sea levels and flood risk worldwide

Rise in forest clearance in Southeast Asia increasing greenhouse gases

Fundamental changes in our economies are required to secure decent living standards for all in the struggle against climate breakdown, according to new research.

Global ice loss increases at record rate - “The ice sheets are now following the worst-case climate warming scenarios.”

Hard and fast emission cuts will slow warming sooner than expected

Parasite discovery could assist mental health treatments

Decent living for all does not have to cost the Earth

Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica whose melting rates are rapidly increasing have raised the global sea level by 1.8cm since the 1990s, and are matching the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's worst-case climate warming scenarios.

New Zealand’s Southern Alps glacier melt has doubled

Formation of quadruple helix DNA tracked in live human cells for first time

A new study shows that directional changes in Earth's magnetic field can occur 10 times faster than previously thought

Gold mining -related deforestation results in the annual loss of over two million tonnes of forest carbon across the Amazon

Quicker and cooler is best for clothes

Aerodynamic imaging by mosquitoes inspires a surface detector of autonomous flying vehicles

Six-fold increase in polar ice losses since the 1990s. Greenland and Antarctica lost 6.4 trillion tonnes of ice between 1992 and 2017

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