
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Software is about people, not code (2020)

"It never gets easier, you just go faster." (2020)

Sometimes you just have to ship it (2020)

Learn How to Build Tools

Understanding people matters more than understanding tech

You will ask many, many questions

Use your shell’s history

Writing great software isn’t all about the software you write

Dear new developer: Learn caching

How to criticize code

Always leave the code better than you found it

Learn to use a debugger

“Letters To a New Developer”, the book

Don’t try to change the tabbing / bracing style

The Cacophony of the 2019 Tech Landscape

Seek feedback loops

Choose inspiration over imitation

“It never gets easier, you just go faster.”

Write good commit messages

Write that down! (2018)

I Got a Job Two Weeks After My Coding Bootcamp

Coding is like a puzzle

Writing great software isn’t all about the software you write

Develop empathy

The best code is no code

You’re going to put some plates in toasters

Avoid The Impossible Goal of Being a Know It All (2019)

Help, I can’t learn or do something because it is boring

You know more than you think

“It never gets easier, you just go faster.”

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