
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Fat Rand: How many lines do you need to generate a random number?

Build It Yourself

Automatic Server Reloading in Rust on Change

How I Use AI: Meet My Promptly Hired Model Intern

Playground Wisdom: Threads Beat Async/Await

Constraints Are Good: Python's Metadata Dilemma

Make It Ephemeral: Software Should Decay and Lose Data

Multiversion Python Thoughts

The Inevitability of Mixing Open Source and Money

Accidental Spending: A Case For an Open Source Tax?

MiniJinja: Learnings from Building a Template Engine in Rust

Rye and Uv: August Is Harvest Season for Python Packaging

Node.js Timeout Handling

What is Self Hosted? What is a Stack?

Your Node is Leaking Memory? setTimeout Could be the Reason

Using Rust Macros for Custom VTables

Tech Debt: My Rust Library Is Now a CDO

Skin in the Game

Rye: A Vision Continued

Rye Grows with UV

Untyped Python: The Python That Was

The life and death of open source companies

FSL: A License for the Bazaar, Not the Cathedral

A bitter commentary on EuroRust conf

Lessons from a Pessimist: Make Your Pessimism Productive

I think AI would kill my wife

Appreciating Design

Scaling Mastodon Is Impossible

A Better Way to Borrow in Rust: Stack Tokens

You Can't Do That: Abstracting over Ownership in Rust with HRTBs. Or Can You?

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