
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Path dependence in relational design

Sentinel-free schemas: a thought experiment

Many explanations of JOIN are wrong, and people get confused

How to discover all the data sources, low-fuss way

How to visualize the database using Minimal Modeling

How to grow as a database developer?

Migrations: migrating attributes, pt. V

Organizational scalability and flexible database schemas (pt. II)

Modeling pairs and tuples

Migrations: migrating attributes, pt. II

Migrations: migrating attributes, pt. I

Database migrations: getting rid of attributes

Handling time with supersecond resolution

Database modeling, stakeholders and their concerns

Modeling mutual friendship

Introduction to schema migrations

Making sense of 1NF, pt. II

Designing data access layer, pt. I

Extending booleans to enums

A comprehensive guide to storing boolean values

How to delete a lot of data, pt. II

How to delete a lot of data, pt. I

Propagation delay

UNION ALL, pt. II: polymorphic data

Left joins, pt. II

240 tables and no documentation?


Many faces of left join

Persisting either/or values, or The uselessness of CHECK constraint

Erasure in Database Modeling

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