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How Disinformation Research Came Under Fire

She Ate Poppy Seed Salad Just Before Giving Birth. Then They Took Her Baby Away

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Admits He Falls for Online Misinformation “All the Time”

Rootless Masculinity Influencers Are Pivoting to Wildly Antisemitic Claims

How Q Became Everything. Goal was to convince people world is run by pedophiles

US Officials Are Fighting Against International Human Rights Law – Again

“No Mow May“ Won't Fix Our Biodiversity Problems

The Rise of the American Oligarchy

Big Oil Launches Propaganda Campaign to Thwart US Energy Transition

One of the Most Controversial US Spy Programs Just Got Renewed

Pulsifer v. United States, a case that turns on a federal law’s use of “and”

Climate Resilience Projects Face Big Roadblock: A Housing Shortage

“X” Didn’t Pay Severance. Now It’s Facing 2,200 Cases – and Big Fees

With human survival at stake conventional climate risk analyses may be useless

Why Reddit is destined to turn to crap

Capitalism Is Ruining Video Games

The Supreme Court Made Just About Everyone Happy for Once

Why Are We So Afraid of Nuclear Power? It’s greener than renewables and safer than fossil fuels—but facts be damned.

Silicon Valley Finally Figured Out People Don’t Like It

The Website That Wants You to Kill Yourself and Won’t Die — How the trolls on Kiwi Farms hounded people to commit suicide and created the online culture we have today.

The Website That Wants You to Kill Yourself–and Won’t Die (Kiwi Farms)

The Gas Industry Is Paying Instagram Influencers to Gush over Gas Stoves

How Dangerous Is Peter Thiel?

As Crypto Crashed, Coinbase Stopped Some Notifications

My Wife Was Dying of Brain Cancer. My Boss at Amazon Told Me to Perform or Quit

Read the Damning Allegations of Racism in California’s New Lawsuit Against Tesla: “One Black worker heard these racial slurs as often as 50-100 times a day.”

Study: Median emissions for indoor cannabis grows are about 3,600 kilograms of CO2 per kilo of cannabis—compared with about 2 kilos of CO2 per kilo of tomatoes.

My Wife Was Dying of Brain Cancer. My Boss at Amazon Told Me to Perform or Quit

“Climate Change Disinformation is Spreading Rapidly” on Facebook

To Put the Brakes on Global Warming, Slash Methane Emissions First

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