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The FBI spent decades tracking mathematician Paul Erdős

Grace Hopper's Lost Lecture found in an NSA Vault

How to make self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing

Why MuckRock and POGO had to archive FOIAonline

Atomic Fallout: Government downplayed, ignored health risks of radioactive waste

FOIA requests show Apple’s emails pitching state agencies on IDs and Wallet app

New Database Showcases How Algorithms Are Rewriting Government Policies Around the US

Facial Recognition Database With 3 Billion Scraped Images 'Might End Privacy as We Know It'

Predictive policing lacks accuracy tests

The “Melissa Worm” Through the Eyes of the FBI

Courts reshape the rules around AI

New report highlights shortcomings of Colorado electronic records retention

Secrecy, overclassification, and the the CIA’s hidden history

Huntington Park’s “RoboCop” stores pedestrians’ faces, scans license plates

After city switched to a new bodycam vendor, Axon threatened its credit rating

Idaho legislators approve law requiring transparency for risk assessment tools

Remembering the burglary that broke Cointelpro

Terabytes of Enron data have quietly gone missing from the Department of Energy

Shifting from Tasers to AI, Axon wants to use terabytes of data to automate police records and redactions: "Law enforcement AI raises ethical questions, even in administrative work"

The FCC backs down, releases emails related to Ajit Pai's "Harlem Shake" video

Using FOIA and public databases to track down Department of Defense contracts

CIA archives document Agency’s decades of ASCII woes

Help analyze Donald Rumsfeld’s memos

Chicago Police Department coaches officers on how to avoid the same social media surveillance they themselves employ

DC police used sonic cannon to direct crowd flow during Women's March

Maine town tries to charge MuckRock $750 for opening an email

Breitbart News' FBI file details how site accidentally DDoS'd itself...... but withholds over a thousand pages

Former CIA Director argued for more appropriate responses to leaks

California teaches inmates code; some states ban them from teaching themselves

Lessons from the CIA’s classified guide to good writing

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