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Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All Covid-19 Variants

Paving the Way to Extremely Fast, Compact Computer Memory

Study uses wearables to show that physical activity lengthens REM latency

Researchers uncover potential non-opioid treatment for chronic pain in mice

Male Power Over Females Is Not the Default Social Dynamic in Primates

Bacteria store memories and pass them on for generations

Hot summer air turns into drinking water with new gel device

A Texas semiconductor boom on the horizon?

Study Shines Light on Why Companies Use a Variety of Dark Money Strategies

John Goodenough, Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor and Nobel Prize Recipient, Dies

Brain activity decoder can reveal stories in people’s minds

Chest E-Tattoo Boasts Major Improvements in Heart Monitoring

Greenland’s Glaciers Might Be Melting 100 Times As Fast As Previously Thought.

Same-sex married couples cope with stress more positively and collaboratively than different-sex couples, and women married to men report more negative support — meaning that their spouses react ambivalently or even hostilely in response to stress — than women married to women

When women and men raise their voices together in the workplace, managers are more likely to support gender equity issues, such as equal pay for equal work.

Study found a special warming and cooling-warming mattress, with different temperatures zones, helped (11) people to fall asleep 58% faster compared with nights when they did not use the cooling-warming function

Blood Pressure E-Tattoo Promises Continuous, Mobile Monitoring

How Electric Fish Were Able to Evolve Electric Organs

Researchers demonstrated new 6G radio frequency switches for keeping devices connected by jumping between networks and frequencies while receiving data

Low-cost gel film can pluck drinking water from desert air

Co-workers who team up to solve problems or work on projects can benefit when they have less in common and take turns spotlighting their different expertise

Entrepreneurs who find themselves in over their heads could be better off hiring specialists than investing to improve their own skills

Plastic-Eating Enzyme Could Eliminate Billions of Tons of Landfill Waste

New Type of Vaccines Could Help Against More Respiratory Illnesses

Gene Editing Gets Safer Thanks to Redesigned Cas9 Protein

New Method Can Disarm Antibiotic Resistance in Deadly Bacteria

White, Asian and Latino parents in NYC all express strong racial/ethnic preferences in where to send their kids to high school

Software development teams given the freedom to tackle their projects in whatever ways they choose are more productive and have more satisfied customers than teams that follow a central corporate standard

There is a 50 % chance that non-avian dinosaurs may have had bright color on their skin, scales and beaks in a manner similar to modern birds but 0 % chance that it had bright colors on its feathers or claws, according to a paper published in the journal Evolution.

Scientists and engineers have created a hydrogel tablet that can rapidly purify contaminated water

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