
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Work on Stuff that Matters: First Principles (2009)

The Puppet design philosophy (2015)

Graphs in the world: Modeling systems as networks

A developer’s introduction to 3D animation and Blender

Work on stuff that matters, first principles (2009)

Swarm vs. Fleet vs. Kubernetes vs. Mesos

Do One Thing

Learning programming at scale

Dennis Ritchie Day

Contrasting architecture patterns with design patterns

Learning programming at scale

Defining front-end architecture

The cloud-native future

The world beyond batch: Streaming 101

Data modeling with multi-model databases

Doradus: OLAP on Cassandra by Dell

Using topology to uncover the shape of your data

Why data preparation frameworks rely on human-in-the-loop systems

How We Make Cars Is a Bigger Environmental Issue Than How We Fuel Them

Patrick Wendell on the state of the Spark ecosystem

The Internet of Living Things

Dimensionality reduction at the command line

The tensor renaissance in data science

Zeta Architecture: Hexagon is the new circle

Investigating Spark’s performance

Creative computing with Clojure

Rebooting a 1970s satellite with modern software and hardware

We need open models, not just open data

A real-time processing and analytics revival

Welcome to the New VR

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