Iran’s Most Advanced Cyber Attack Yet - Check Point Research

Rust Binary Analysis, Feature by Feature

A Deep Dive into a Chinese Apt Group's TP-Link Router Implant

Attacking Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way

Indra – Hackers Behind Recent Attacks on Iran

Do you like to read? I can take over your Kindle with an e-book

Security probe of Qualcomm MSM data services

New Wormable Android Malware Spreads by Creating Auto-Replies in WhatsApp

Jian – How the Chinese APT31 stole and used an unknown Equation Group 0-Day

Game On - Finding vulnerabilities in Valve’s “Steam Sockets”

Graphology of an Exploit - Hunting for exploits by looking for the author's fingerprints

SIGRed - Resolving Your Way into Domain Admin: Exploiting a 17 Year-old Bug in Windows DNS Servers

Safe-Linking – New malloc() mitigation closes a decade old exploit primitive

Bugs on the Windshield: Fuzzing the Windows Kernel

Analyzing Nazar: A previously-unknown malware was uncovered in leaked NSA files

Vicious Panda: The COVID Campaign

Remote Cloud Execution - Critical Vulnerabilities in Azure Cloud Infrastructure (Part I)

Say Cheese: Ransomware-Ing a DSLR Camera

Reverse RDP Attack: Code Execution on RDP Clients

Extracting a 19 Year Old Code Execution from WinRAR

Epic Games Launcher/Fortnite vulnerability

50 CVEs in 50 Days: Fuzzing Adobe Reader

Faxploit: Sending Fax Back to the Dark Ages

FakesApp: A Vulnerability in WhatsApp

MMap Vulnerabilities – Linux Kernel

SiliVaccine: Inside North Korea’s Anti-Virus