
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Prioritizing software right to repair: engaging corporate response teams

Is Tesla open source? Roadster certainly isn't

We Call on FOSS Contributors to “Exit Zoom”

RHEL Response Discussed by SFC Conference's Panel - Including a New Enterprise Linux Standard

John Deere's ongoing GPL violations: What's next

Heads Up: Microsoft to Ban Commercial Open Source from App Store

Give Up GitHub

Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come

Court Ruling shows the GPL is both copyright license and contractual agreement

SF Conservancy now accepting copyright assignment for any GPL software

One More Small Step Toward the Right to Software Repair

Trump's new platform and the Affero General Public License of Mastodon

Calling all Tesla owners: let's discuss the GPL source code in your car

Software Freedom Conservancy files GPL lawsuit against Vizio

SFC files lawsuit against Vizio Inc. for GPL violations

Trump Social Media Platform and the Affero General Public License (Of Mastodon)

Software Freedom Conservancy Sues Vizio for GPL Violations

“Tivoization” and Your Right to Install Under Copyleft

Software Freedom Conservancy: ContractPatch: Everything Is Negotiable

USC § 1201, DMCA Exemptions and Software Freedom

A Modest Proposal in the New Age of DMCA Takedown Aggression

Asking Microsoft to resign from the RIAA over YouTube-dl takedown demand

Software Freedom Conservancy: The Strategic GPL Enforcement Initiative

Software Freedom Conservancy: New Strategy for GPL Enforcement

A new chapter for PyPy: Transitioning away from a Charitable Model

Toward Copyleft Equality for All

Ubiquiti and GPL: When companies use GPL against each other, our community loses

Calling Tesla owners: let's discuss the source for the GPLed parts of your car

Richard Stallman Does Not and Cannot Speak for the Free Software Movement - Software Freedom Conservancy

Toward Community-Oriented, Public & Transparent Copyleft Policy Planning

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