There is now little doubt that Covid leaked from a lab

The West's betrayal of the women of Iran

From Sinéad to Róisín, why blasphemous women get cancelled

The great Covid and smoking cover-up

The Twilight of Nietzsche

Why did scientists suppress the lab-leak theory?

Even my bigoted critics deserve free speech

An Argument for Race Abolitionism (2020)

How woke illiberalism is killing the academy

In praise of John Ruskin

The turn against motherhood – Why it has become fashionable not to have children

The fight to publish Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’

Sark really is a world apart

E. H. Carr's Sense of History

Kafka: A Life Beyond Literature

The New Masters of the Universe: From Silicon Valley, a New Elite Is Coming

Feminist Trouble: Camille Paglia assesses the parlous state of today’s feminism