New in CSS: Relative Colors

A new method to validate URLs in JavaScript

A Firefox-only minimap (2021)

I don't need to clean up my desktop and downloads folders in macOS (2021)

Resumability, compilers and event delegation

Learned how to break JS strings into sentences, words or symbols with Intl.Segmenter.

TIL – How to split JavaScript strings into sentences, words or graphemes with Intl.Segmenter

Single character npm packages are valid

New in JavaScript: reportError – a method to report to global event handlers

Highlights of the HTTP Archive Web Almanac 2021

How to use serverless functions as image/caching proxy

How to force yourself to leave the computer using the leave command

Say goodbye to resource-caching across sites and domains

Git commit accepts several message flags (-m) to allow multiline commits

Optional chaining helps to avoid "undefined is not a function" exceptions

A regular expression lookahead/lookbehind cheat sheet

TIL: JSON.stringify takes toJSON methods into consideration

Array.from has a second argument

Property order is predictable in JavaScript objects since ES2015

+-0, NaN and in JavaScript

lookaheads (and lookbehinds) in JavaScript regular expressions

You can't set new properties on JavaScript Symbols