
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

PHP in 2024

Limited by committee

Don't be clever

Dealing with deprecations

PHP in 2023

What is new in PHP 8.2

The evolution of a PHP object throughout the years

Whats New in PHP 8.2

We don't need runtime type checks

Twitter Home made me miserable

PHP in 2022

PHP 8.1 in 8 code blocks

PHP 8.1: new in initializers

The birth and death of a framework

PHP 8.1: readonly properties

Enums in PHP 8.1

The evolution of a PHP object throughout the years

PHP 8.1: before and after

Cloning and changing readonly properties in PHP 8.1

Opinion-Driven Design

What about config builders?

Why we need multi-line short closures in PHP

PHP in 2021

What event sourcing is not about

Enums are coming to PHP 8.1

What's New in PHP 8.1

When I lost a few hundred leads

PHP 8: Before and After

Light colour schemes are better, based on science

Scopes in any JetBrains IDE

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