
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Utilizing value semantics in Swift (2019)

Swift 5.7’s new optional unwrapping syntax

Abstract types and methods in Swift

Combining protocols in Swift

Automatically retrying an asynchronous Swift Task

What role do Tasks play within Swift’s concurrency system?

Lightweight dependency injection and unit testing using async functions

Swift actors: How do they work, and what kinds of problems do they solve?

Unit testing Swift code that uses async/await

Specialized extensions using generic type constraints

Codable synthesis for Swift enums

Async sequences, streams, and Combine

Using static protocol APIs to create conforming instances

Throwing and asynchronous Swift properties

Mutating and non-mutating Swift contexts

Attaching property wrappers to function arguments

Connecting async/await to other Swift code

Using the MainActor attribute to automatically dispatch UI updates on the main queue

Making SwiftUI views refreshable

Introducing Plot Components: A new way to build HTML pages using Swift

Exploring some of the lesser-known, built-in Formatter types

A deep dive into Swift function builders

Swift 5.3 enhances SwiftUI’s DSL

What makes code “Swifty”?

The Decade of Swift

Making Swift code extensible through plugins

Lightweight API Design in Swift

Small but significant improvements in Swift 5.1

The Power of Subscripts in Swift

“Swift’s past, present and future”, with special guest Chris Lattner

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