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The Netflix Tech Blog: The Evolution of Container Usage at Netflix

Netflix Security Monkey on Google Cloud

Update on HTML5 Video for Netflix

Lessons We’ve Learned Using AWS (2010)

Introducing Netflix Stethoscope

Crafting a high-performance TV user interface using React

NetflixOSS: Announcing Hollow, an In-Memory Java Cache

Netflix Conductor : A microservices orchestrator

Netflix Chaos Monkey Upgraded

Netflix Chaos Monkey Upgraded

The Netflix Tech Blog: Netflix Chaos Monkey Upgraded (Now in Go)

Toward A Practical Perceptual Video Quality Metric

Zuul 2 : The Netflix Journey to Asynchronous, Non-Blocking Systems

Netflix: Vizceral Open Source

Netflix compares x264, x264 and royalty-free VP9

Netflix and Fill

Distributed delay queues based on Dynomite

Netflix: Building fast.com

Netflix Billing Migration to AWS – Part III

Protecting Netflix Viewing Privacy at Scale

Performance without Compromise: React.js for TV UIs

Product Integration Testing at the Speed of Netflix

Netflix Billing Migration to AWS

Application data caching using SSDs

The Netflix Tech Blog: Application data caching using SSDs

Building High-Performance Mobile Applications at Netflix

Saving 13M Computational Minutes per Day with Flame Graphs

A Scalable System for Ingestion and Delivery of Timed Text

Extracting image metadata at scale

How We Build Code at Netflix

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