Bugs Found in Cups

Apple open-sources its Homomorphic Encryption library

Oracle dumps Terraform for OpenTofu

Battle of the Redis Forks?

Open source pioneer Perens says it's time to contemplate a post-open world

VMware Kills Off 56 Products

Broadcom Is Killing Off VMware Perpetual Licenses, Strong-Arming Users Onto Subscriptions

RFC 9420 – A Messaging Layer Security Overview

HashiCorp CEO Predicts OSS-Free Silicon Valley

Prime Video service dumps microservices, cuts AWS bill 90%

Prime Video service dumps microservices, cuts AWS bill 90%

PlayStation wants to get gameservers running on Kubernetes

Google is killing off Google Cloud IoT Core at five-years-old

SSD drives’ 40k-hour “death bug” continues to catch enterprises unawares

Rust language’s explosive popularity comes with challenges

Weeks after breach, the Heroku GitHub connections remains on ice