The Over-Engineering Pendulum

Watermill 1.4 Released (Event-Driven Go Library)

Optimising and Visualising Go Tests Parallelism: Why more cores don't speed up your Go tests

Distributed transactions in Go: Read before you try

The Go libraries that never failed us: 22 libraries you need to know (2022)

Database Transactions in Go with Layered Architecture

Live website updates with Go, SSE, and htmx

Making games in Go for absolute beginners

Watermill 1.3 released, an open-source event-driven Go library

Watermill v1.2 released (an event-driven library)

The Go libraries that never failed us: 22 libraries you need to know

Go Framework: No Framework?

Auto-generated C4 Architecture Diagrams in Go

Safer Enums in Go

Common Anti-Patterns in Go Web Applications

Software Dark Ages

We wrote a book about building business applications in Go

Repository secure by design: how to sleep better without fear of security vulnerabilities

Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?

Combining DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project

Business Applications in Go: Things to know about DRY

Robust gRPC communication on Google Cloud Run (but not only!)

Too modern Go application? Building a serverless application with Google Cloud Run and Firebase

A complete Terraform setup of a serverless application on Google Cloud Run and Firebase

When an SQL Database Makes a Great Pub/Sub

Golang CQRS, Metrics and AMQP - Watermill v0.3.0 released

Go Docker dev environment with Go Modules and live code reloading

Watermill v0.2.0 - a library for building event-driven applications released

Introducing Watermill - Go event-driven applications library