Database Transactions in Go with Layered Architecture

Live website updates with Go, SSE, and htmx

Making games in Go for absolute beginners

Watermill 1.3 released, an open-source event-driven Go library

Watermill v1.2 released (an event-driven library)

The Go libraries that never failed us: 22 libraries you need to know

Go Framework: No Framework?

Auto-generated C4 Architecture Diagrams in Go

Safer Enums in Go

Common Anti-Patterns in Go Web Applications

Software Dark Ages

We wrote a book about building business applications in Go

Repository secure by design: how to sleep better without fear of security vulnerabilities

Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?

Combining DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project

Business Applications in Go: Things to know about DRY

Robust gRPC communication on Google Cloud Run (but not only!)

Too modern Go application? Building a serverless application with Google Cloud Run and Firebase

A complete Terraform setup of a serverless application on Google Cloud Run and Firebase

When an SQL Database Makes a Great Pub/Sub

Golang CQRS, Metrics and AMQP - Watermill v0.3.0 released

Go Docker dev environment with Go Modules and live code reloading

Watermill v0.2.0 - a library for building event-driven applications released

Introducing Watermill - Go event-driven applications library