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A study found that taking two blackcurrant supplement capsules a day either prevented the loss of, or even increased, whole-body bone mineral density in postmenopausal women

U.S Emergency Room Visits for Self-Harm Skyrocket. Suicide rates have risen by 35% since 2000

Researchers have discovered a sustainable method to recover chitin, one of the world's most abundant materials, from seafood waste

Talkative parents a key factor in children’s language development: study finds that socioeconomic status and gender don't play roles in language development, but the amount of adult talk does

Switching the flies’ diet to a low calorie one remained a reliable way to extend lifespan even for old flies in ill health: this suggests that human metabolism may respond the same way and and individuals eating a high calorie diet could benefit from reducing their calorie intake at old age

Great expectations vs reality of food healthiness in online grocery shopping: one of the key drivers behind negative reviews on Amazon Fresh, Amazon’s grocery delivery service, is a mismatch between a products’ expected and actual nutritional value

Study on 21 older adults between ages 68 and 78 who walked an average of about 4,000 steps per day before the study, found adding about 3,000 steps per day…

Researchers have made a novel discovery about how a gene responsible for Parkinson's Disease in many cases can be regulated

Glass-coated DNA structure is strong with low density

Mental health crises spike among youth in U.S

Depressed, and Aging Fast

Deteriorating mitochondria linked to major depression in older adults

Self cooling tent: researches developed a new off-grid technology that allows a tent’s internal temperature to go drop by 15 or 20°C cooler inside versus outside using water and sunlight

Earliest Evidence Of European Bows And Arrows Coincides With Excursion Into Neanderthal Territory - The discovery of what appear to be abundant arrowheads pushes back the date for this transformative technology within Europe by around 9,000 years…

Evidence from mercury data strongly suggests that, about 251.9 million years ago, a massive volcanic eruption in Siberia led to the extinction event killing 80-90% of life on Earth

Ancient Dung Reveals Earliest Evidence for Animal Tending

American food and beverage companies disproportionately target Black and Hispanic consumers with advertising for high-calorie, low-nutrient products, including candy, sugary drinks, and snacks…

Researchers have developed a deep brain stimulator that never needs its batteries changed because instead of a battery, the new device converts the motion of the user’s chest as they breathe into electricity

Study: Electroshock Therapy More Successful for Depression Than Ketamine

Both Republican and Democratic politicians benefit from having wind turbines in areas they represent

The Largest Suite of Cosmic Simulations for AI Training Is Now Free to Download

Study: The rate of suicidal behavior among Americans increased from 2008 to 2019, but usage of mental health services didn’t budge

Academically challenging curriculum and extracurricular activities can position high school students on the autism spectrum for success in college, according to new research

Study: Parental rejection leads to negative behaviors and emotions that range from bullying to anxiety

Study: The spike in family-related disruptions while working from home during the pandemic was expected, but women noted more frequent interruptions from co-workers and supervisors even while working from home

Animals Died in ‘Toxic Soup’ During Earth’s Worst Mass Extinction, a Warning for Today - 'The end-Permian is one of the best places to look for parallels with what's happening now'

Young Forests are Preferred Summer Vacation Destinations for Bats

Much of life on planet Earth today relies on oxygen to exist, but before oxygen was present on our blue planet, lifeforms likely used arsenic instead.

According to a new study on how the source of a COVID-19 prevention message affects its perceived effectiveness, when Trump's name was associated with the message…

Mismanagment, Not Tampering, at Root of Supply Problems for Ugandan Farmers

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