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A New System for Temporally Consistent Stable Diffusion Video Characters

Mistral AI Valued at $2B

Is DALL-E 2 ‘Gluing Things Together’ Without Understanding Their Relationships?

Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders Through AI Facial Expression Evaluation

Detecting Deepfake Video Calls Through Monitor Illumination

Your brain is better at busting deepfakes than you: EEG scans reveal people's brains can detect deepfakes 54% of the time, while people can only consciously do this 37% of the time.

Reddit Bans ‘SFW’ Deepfake Community

Detecting 'Professional' Malicious Online Reviews with Machine Learning

Assessing the Historical Accuracy of ImageNet

Google Has Banned the Training of Deepfakes in Colab

Reshaping Human Body Types with AI

‘Simple’ AI Can Anticipate Bank Managers’ Loan Decisions to over 95% Accuracy

Creating Artificial Mechanical Turks with Pretrained Language Models

Job Applicant Resumes Are Effectively Impossible to De-Gender

A Cartel of Influential Datasets Are Dominating Machine Learning Research

Training Computer Vision Models on Random Noise Instead of Real Images

Attacking Natural Language Processing Systems with Adversarial Examples

The ‘Invisible’, Often Unhappy Workforce That’s Deciding the Future of AI

Engineers Look to Nature to Create Bird-Like Robot – Unite.ai

Human Brain Project Releases New Paper on Exascale Computing Power – Unite.ai

Human Image Synthesis from Reflected Radio Waves

Disney Combines CGI with Neural Rendering to Tackle the ‘Uncanny Valley’

Why Adversarial Image Attacks Are No Joke

Creating a GPT-Style Language Model for a Single Question

AI Researchers Estimate 97% Of EU Websites Fail GDPR Privacy Requirements- Especially User Profiling

AI predicts accident hot-spots from satellite imagery and GPS data

Facebook: ‘Nanotargeting’ users based solely on their perceived interests

MIT: Measuring media bias in major news outlets with machine learning

Shortcomings of Amazon Mechanical Turk May Threaten Natural Language Generation

Hobbling computer vision datasets against unauthorized use

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