Covid associated with increased risk for hearing loss in young adults

New experiments show that heat flowing through tiny, interconnected networks of rock cracks may have been key to the origin of life.

‘Monumental’ experiment suggests how life on Earth may have started

The 5 Love Languages are not supported by empirical evidence according to recent review: 1) we don’t have a primary love language; 2) we have more than 5 ways to express love; and 3) speaking preferred language doesn’t mean better relationships

New research reports that pain-sensing neurons can communicate with and control immune cells, even genetically reprogramming them or passing electrical signals into them to trigger immune activity

Long covid has 12 key symptoms, new study finds

How single-celled yeasts are doing the work of 1,500-pound cows: Cowless dairy is here, with the potential to shake up the future of animal dairy and plant-based milks

DNA found in the desert offers lessons in the hunt for Mars life | "9% of genetic fragments belong to organisms unknown to science"

The clever trick that turns ChatGPT into its evil twin

Humans still have the genes for a full coat of body hair | genes present in the genome but are "muted"

Researchers study 36 bodies found in unmarked colonial graves. DNA indicates African and Native ancestry

Invasive fire ants could be controlled by viruses, scientists say | could reduce need for chemical pesticides

Europe’s antitrust cop, Margrethe Vestager, has Facebook and Google in her crosshairs

Spectacular fossils found at Bears Ears — right where Trump removed protections

Donald Trump Accuses Obama of Wiretapping Trump Tower During Election

New National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines recommend early exposure to peanuts in infants to prevent food allergy development contrary to historical guidelines

Police want Waze to remove police reporting functionality from the app, citing concerns that the feature could be used for "police stalking."

Personalized medicine increasingly becoming a reality