The 20 year old PSP can now connect to WPA2 WiFi Networks

FreeBSD 4 Bug may be present in Playstation 4/5

Nintendo DSi gets a browser exploit, almost 15 years after its release

Exploited Hosts Begin Serving up Payloads That Purposely Brick Jailbroken PS4s

PS5 SDK allegedly leaked, along with PS4, Xbox, Switch SDKs and Cyberpunk 2077 source code

Nintendo Switch Kernel exploit 34c3 presentation: “Nvidia Backdoored themselves”

PS4: Homebrew and backups running on firmware 4.55, technical details coming soon

Xbox One Exploit Proof of Concept Released, Based on Chakra Exploit

The Nintendo Switch already hacked through a known vulnerability?

PS4 hack: Fail0verflow demonstrate Linux and Steam running on Firmware 4.05

Release: Fully operational dlclose exploit + Linux for PS4, by kR105

Webkit exploit confirmed to run on PS4 Firmware 1.76!

The shock of playing the Ouya, one year later