Git-subtrac: all your Git submodules in one place

The only build system that might someday replace make (2010)

Absolute Scale Corrupts Absolutely

What do executives do, anyway?

The world in which IPv6 was a good design (2017)

mtime comparison considered harmful

Quotes from 1992

Programmer Migration Patterns

You can't make C++ not ugly, but you can't not try

Xnest, Xephyr, ChromeOS, synergy, and syncing some clipboards

An epic treatise on scheduling, bug tracking, and triage

The log/event processing pipeline you can't have

Data analysis is difficult and mostly unrewarding

Misadventures in process containment

Factors in authentication

Mtime comparison considered harmful

Redo, buildroot, and serializing parallel logs

XML, blockchains, and the strange shapes of progress

Insufficiently known POSIX shell features (2011)

I simulated California housing and learned... about simulators

A little bump in the wire that makes your [bufferbloated] Internet faster

The four motivators (2016)

An epic treatise on scheduling, bug tracking, and triage

Eclipses and Decibels

Highlights on "quality," and Deming's work as it applies to software development

The Curse of Smart People

Avery’s laws of wifi reliability

The Curse of Smart People (2014)

Highlights on "quality," and Deming's work as it applies to software development

Google Fiber Wifi Data

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