Programmatically Interpretable Reinforcement Learning

Efficient lock-free durable sets

Benchmarking Spreadsheet Systems

Declarative assembly of web applications from pre-defined concepts

TLA+ model checking made symbolic

Mergeable replicated data types – Part I

File systems unfit as distributed storage back ends: lessons from Ceph evolution

Local-first software: you own your data, in spite of the cloud

An analysis of performance evolution of Linux’s core operations

HackPPL: A universal probabilistic programming language

Detecting and characterizing lateral phishing at scale

150 successful machine learning models: 6 lessons learned at

Task-based effectiveness of basic visualizations

In-toto: providing farm-to-table guarantees for bits and bytes

“I was told to buy a software or lose my computer: I ignored it.” A study of

Machine learning systems are stuck in a rut

Applying deep learning to Airbnb search

Wireless attacks on aircraft instrument landing systems

Designing far memory data structures: think outside the box

50 ways to leak your data: apps’ circumvention of the Android permissions system

Small world with high risks: a study of security threats in the npm ecosystem

Procella: Unifying serving and analytical data at YouTube

Robust Learning from Untrusted Sources

Learning to prove theorems via interacting with proof assistants

Statistical Foundations of Virtual Democracy

The Convoy Phenomenon

Meta-learning neural Bloom filters

One SQL to rule them all: an efficient and syntactically idiomatic approach to management of streams and tables

What bugs cause cloud production incidents?

A case for lease-based, utilitarian resource management on mobile devices

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