Ancient eggshells unlock discovery of extinct elephant bird lineage

Young adults living in high-crime areas have an increased genetic risk for Type 2 diabetes

Excess weight, obesity more deadly than previously believed

Webb telescope spots super old, massive galaxies

New study, conducted using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans on mock jurors, suggests biased jury decisions are associated with social cognitive processes such as cultural and racial stereotyping

Toddlers whose moms were exposed to higher levels of air pollution during mid- to late-pregnancy tend to score lower on measures of cognition, motor coordination and language skills

Study shows gardening may help reduce cancer risk, boost mental health

What comes up when you flush

Researchers found that rising inequality in wealthy democracies leads to stricter immigration policies in lower-income countries, whereas the opposite occurs in higher-income countries.

Researchers have, for the first time, used CT scan to peer inside swarms of honeybees and found that the bees don’t clump together in a random group

An obscure family of viruses, already endemic in wild African primates and known to cause fatal Ebola-like symptoms in some monkeys, is “poised for spillover” to humans…

Plastic Eating Mushrooms (2021)

New research details how a class of durable plastics widely used in the aerospace and microelectronics industries can be perpetually broken down and remade, without sacrificing its desired physical properties…

Exposure to air pollution in the first six months of life impacts a child’s inner world of gut bacteria, or microbiome, in ways that could increase risk of allergies, obesity and diabetes…

Increased demand for water will be the No

A nationwide abortion ban would increase maternal deaths by 24%, according to new research

Multiple diagnoses are the norm with mental illness and a new genetic study explains why

Study on nearly 90,000 samples of marijuana found commercial labels on weed tell consumers little about what’s in their product, could be confusing or misleading and “do not consistently align with the observed chemical diversity” of the product

5-minute breathing workout lowers blood pressure as much as exercise, drugs

New research suggests that a new approach, using artificial intelligence and vast, anonymized datasets from Facebook could not only yield more accurate COVID-19 forecasts, but also revolutionize the way we track other infectious diseases…

New method could lead to cheaper, more efficient ways to capture carbon

The Two Cultures and The Scientific Revolution (1959)

Study: Republicans lost faith in 2020 election results; Fox News played pivotal role

Rethinking what causes pain and how great of a threat it is can provide chronic pain patients with lasting relief and alter brain networks associated with pain processing, according to new research

School-aged children who spend more time in front of screens are only slightly more likely to have attention disorders, disturbed sleep or lower grades and are no more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety

Air pollution triggered by use of common chemicals, fuels may kill 10 times more people than previously recognized

Extreme heat, dry summers main cause of tree death in Colorado’s subalpine forests

Scientists have found subjects who read about an enraged politician from their own party were more likely to report feeling mad themselves than people who didn't

Mathematicians find optimal way to pay off student loans

5-minute breathing workout lowers blood pressure for aging adults fending off cardiovascular disease

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