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Future increase in extreme El Niño supported by past glacial changes - 1 in 2 El Niño events could be extreme by mid-century

Wildfire smoke exposure increases the risk of mental illness in youth: each additional day of exposure to wildfire smoke and other severe air pollution slightly raises the risk of mental illness in children aged 9 to 11

New 3D printing method makes Band-Aid for the heart possible: « A new way to 3D print material that is at once elastic enough to withstand a heart’s persistent beating, tough enough to endure the crushing load placed on joints, and easily shapable to fit a patient’s unique defects

Uncovered Euripides fragments are 'kind of a big deal'

The human genome is filled with flecks of DNA left behind by viruses that infected primate ancestors tens of millions of years ago

In animals, a high-fat diet disrupts resident gut bacteria, alters behavior, and through a complex pathway connecting the gut to the brain, influences brain chemicals in ways that fuel anxiety

Years after the U.S

Arctic will be ice-free within a decade

Harsh workplace climate is pushing women out of academia. Women professors are 19% more likely to leave academia than men each year, for example

Cannabis products high in the nonintoxicating compound CBD can quell anxiety better than THC-dominant products—and without the potential side effects

Suicide rates in the U.S. are on the rise

Any opinions on the MS CS from CU Boulder?

Breastfeeding, even partially alongside formula feeding, changes the chemical makeup -- or metabolome -- of an infant's gut in ways that positively influence brain development and may boost test scores years later

Death by Thomas Nagel (1970) [pdf]

Secret Lagoon Found Resembling Earth 3.5 BIllion Years Ago and What Life on Mars Would Look Like

Melatonin use soars among children, with unknown risks

Toxoplasma gondii, a common, cat-borne parasite already associated with risk-taking behavior and mental illness in humans may also contribute to exhaustion, loss of muscle mass, and other signs of “frailty” in older adults…

Your brain remembers what your fingers used to do, and with practice, older adults can regain manual dexterity that may have seemed lost

A study on over 20,000 people (half English and half Americans) for +10years have found individuals with lack of financial planning are tied to increased risk of death…

Opposites don't actually attract: meta-analysis study

Phet: Interactive Simulators for Science and Math

Study demonstrates that aging is a complex process affecting genetic networks, and altering one gene won’t stop it because the aging process disrupts the timing of expression in entire gene networks

3D display could soon bring touch to the digital world

Researchers have developed a new way to recycle a common type of plastic found in soda bottles and other packaging (PET): they used electricity and some nifty chemical reactions to dissolve the plastic

The number of the world's farms to halve by 2100. A decline in the number of farms and an increase in farm size has been happening in the U.S

New laser-based breathalyzer powered by artificial intelligence sniffs out Covid, other diseases in real-time

More than half of the world's largest lakes and reservoirs are losing water — and climate change and human consumption are the main drivers

A new class of tiny, self-propelled robots that can zip through liquid at speed

Study finds that flavored-tobacco products reduce likelihood of later cessation, but researchers say more investigation is needed

Saturn's rings are far younger than once thought

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