More than half of the world's largest lakes and reservoirs are losing water — and climate change and human consumption are the main drivers

Air pollution triggered by use of common chemicals, fuels may kill 10 times more people than previously recognized

Antarctica's northern George VI Ice Shelf experienced record melting during the 2019-2020 summer season compared to 31 previous summers of dramatically lower melt

One sweaty, exercising person emits as many chemicals from their body as upto 5 sedentary people

An anticipated rise in carbon dioxide concentrations in our indoor living and working spaces by the year 2100 could lead to impaired human cognition

New research suggests it was climate-related drought that built the foundation for the collapse of the Assyrian Empire (whose heartland was based in today’s northern Iraq)—one of the most powerful civilizations in the ancient world.

Violent crime rates rise in warmer winters in study that compared temperature and crime patterns since 1979

System can quantify methane leaks as tiny as 1/4 of a human exhalation mile away

Sea Level Rise is Accelerating: Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era

The length of the snow-free season in Alaska's North Slope has been increasing by one week per decade since 1975 with the earliest melt in 115 years of record-keeping occurring last year

The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness

When Less Is More: A NOAA, CIRES study tracks down lingering source of carbon tetrachloride emissions

Crowdsourcing Earth's magnetic field