Hairy snail discovered in 99-million-year-old amber

New Curtin University-led research has found that the world's next supercontinent, Amasia, will most likely form when the Pacific Ocean closes in 200 to 300 million years.

Bird neurons use three times less glucose than mammalian neurons

SU(N) matter is about 3 billion times colder than deep space

Scientists discover new kind of synapse in neurons' tiny hairs

Ground penetrating radar observations of subsurface structures in the floor of Jezero crater, Mars

Scientists relieved to discover 'curious' creature with no anus is not earliest human ancestor

Human Y chromosome sequences from Q Haplogroup reveal a South American settlement pre-18,000 years ago and a profound genomic impact during the Younger Dryas

Matter at extreme conditions of very high temperature and pressure turns out to be remarkably simple and universal

Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

Digital support for reduced alcohol consumption. A digital support tool on your phone can help if you want to reduce your alcohol consumption

Consumers were in favour of a tax on meat based on animal welfare or environmental considerations, providing it was low (on average €0.19/kg)

New process converts methane into methanol at ambient conditions, using a light-activated metal-organic framework catalyst

The Data-Oriented Design Process for Game Development

Lasers trigger magnetism in atomically thin quantum materials

Highly pathogenic avian influenza survived on raw chicken for several days in temperatures of up to 25°C (77°F)

Modern human incursion into Neanderthal territories 54,000 years ago at Mandrin

Scientists discover method to instantaneously convert carbon dioxide gas to a solid using liquid metals.

One in five children have chalky tooth enamel – visible as discoloured enamel spots – which often causes severe toothache and decay

Melting of polar ice warping Earth's crust itself beneath, not just sea levels

Phase 3 trial results: mRNA-1273 vaccine continued to be safe and efficacious more than five months after second dose

Exotic mix in China's delivery of moon rocks

Physicists confirm the topological origins of magnons, explaining why a stack of two 2-D layers of (normally ferromagnetic) chromium tri-iodide is antiferromagnetic

Researchers have discovered that spontaneous impulses of dopamine, the neurological messenger known as the brain's 'feel good' chemical, occur in the brain of mice

Researchers see atoms at record resolution

New study shows how high-intensity mass vaccination campaigns can disrupt poorly resourced health systems in developing countries, which has affected up to 3.6 mil

A Sober Look at SPACs (2020)

Neural network to solve Schrödinger equation

Findings suggest that continued trends in female educational attainment & access to contraception will hasten declines in fertility & slow population growth

Epidemics create risks of social unrest

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