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New 3D-printed solar steam generators can desalinate, purify seawater

Early vision loss linked with difficulty judging sounds: Research finds people who experience partial vision loss in early childhood find it more difficult to accurately judge the location of a sound than those who lose sight later in life.

Likely ancestor of all modern hoofed animals identified

The stress-induced mechanisms that cause our brain to produce feelings of fear in the absence of threats -- such as in PTSD -- have been mostly a mystery

The most recent research has shown early promising signs of the possibility that Trabectedin, a molecule derived from sea squirt, can be used for targeted therapy (precision medicine) against the most resistant cancer cells

New evidence reveals that young children learn self-awareness through experiences of touch

According to a new study, people with high exposure to traffic-polluted air develop severe symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, as evidenced by high levels of amyloid plaques in the brain after death.

According to very recent research that involved recording the quality and duration of sleep among adults instead of the self-reported duration and quality of sleep, sleep fragmentation negatively affects executive functions.

Omalizumab, which binds to antibodies that mediate hypersensitivity reactions, is showing some hope of being used as a prophylactic agent for hypersensitive reactions toward multiple foods in pediatrics according to some study findings.

Researchers from the University of Queensland have mapped proteins that are involved in the early stages of motor neuron disease and how they change throughout the disease which might have an influence on the management of the disease.

BDNF Protein in Depression clinical and non-clinical interventions

Insecticide resistance is compromising control programs against dengue fever in Bangladesh, new study shows.

The IL-17 protein plays a key role in skin aging -- ScienceDaily

TIL surveillance in video games enables detailed profiling of the people playing the game, with some games collecting more behavioral data than social media platforms

Deep neural network provides robust detection of disease biomarkers in real time: The deep neural network the developed classifies particle signals with 99.8 percent accuracy in real time, on a system that is relatively cheap and portable for point-of-care applications

Diagram explaining the Standard Model of Software Engineering

Generating power with blood sugar

The Maya 819-Day Count and Planetary Astronomy

On social media platforms, more sharing means less caring about accuracy: Study finds reveals a core tension between the impulse to share news and to think about whether it is true.

How to awaken neural stem cells and reactivate them in adult mice: Biologists succeeded in increasing the number of new neurons in the brain of adult and even elderly mice

Study finds common artificial sweetener, erythritol, linked to higher rates of heart attack and stroke: Those with higher blood erythritol levels were at elevated risk of experiencing a major adverse cardiac event such as heart attack…

Females' propensity to deposit more fat in places like their hips, buttocks and the backs of their arms, so-called subcutaneous fat, is protective against brain inflammation, which can result in problems like dementia and stroke…

Researchers found that across the U.S., anal cancer incidence and mortality rates increased 1.5-fold in men and women over 50 years old

Evolution: Mini-proteins in human organs appeared 'from nowhere'

Biodiversity of former agricultural sites may never fully recover without a helping hand, study shows, even after 80 years, species richness was still lagging behind

Researchers can detect 'toxic' small aggregates of a particular protein in the blood of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, as well as in individuals who showed no signs of cognitive impairment at the time the blood sample was taken…

Gut microbiome and surgical recovery

Managing Emotions Better Could Prevent Pathological Aging

Pregnant women who are infected with COVID-19 face a 7 times increased risk of dying and a significantly elevated risk of being admitted to an intensive care unit or suffering from pneumonia…

Brain circuit that converts spatial goals to escape actions discovered

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