Lfortran: Modern interactive LLVM-based Fortran compiler

RWKV.F90: Large Language Model in Fortran

NVIDIA engineer contributed initial CUDA Fortran support to LLVM Flang

Optimization Without Derivatives: Prima Fortran Version and Inclusion in SciPy

Serial compilation and the 1401 FORTRAN compiler (1965)

Hybrid Fortran – A Framework for GPU Acceleration

Fast GPT-2 inference written in Fortran

Languages Pre-Fortran

SciPy: Interested in adopting PRIMA, but little appetite for more Fortran code

The skills gap for Fortran looms large in HPC

Can Fortran survive another 15 years?

FastGPT: Faster than PyTorch in 300 lines of Fortran

The perils of polishing old Fortran libraries

Rust performs significantly worse for HPC apps than CPP and/or Fortran

In Fortran it is possible to have stack allocated vectors with a size known only at runtime. Is this possible to do in Rust?

Advice on build system approach choice for a Rust + Fortran project?

Map, Filter, Reduce in Fortran (2019)

Why Fortran is a scientific powerhouse

Fortran H and PL.8: Papers about Great Optimizing Compilers

Von Neumann was admonishing people who built assemblers (Snapshot from a book called The History of Fortran)

Why Fortran?

A Fortran-Compiled List Processing Language (1959)

Languages Pre-Fortran

A modern Fortran scientific programming ecosystem

Flang: LLVM’s Fortran Front End

FORTRAN in 100 Seconds

The State of Fortran Generics

Doctor Fortran in “It Takes All KINDs” (2017)

Fortran Intrinsics (2018)

Fortran Assembly Program (FAP) for the IBM 709/7090 (1961)

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