How Learning GPG Is Like Learning Git

Encrypted cloud backups with Duplicity and GPG

Using gpg-agent Effectively

Attacks against GPG signed APT repositories

Guide to Using YubiKey as a SmartCard for GPG and SSH

GPG and me (2015)

Using a Yubikey for GPG and SSH

stealth/opmsg: A gpg alternative

Schleuder: A GPG-enabled mailinglist with remailing-capabilities

GPG Suite

Using GPG to Encrypt Your Data

GPG: “Donations received in 2016: 8496 €”

Introducing GPG Sync, an Open Source Tool for Organizations That Encrypt Email

Using YubiKey as a SmartCard for GPG and SSH

Setup, GPG and signed Git commits

GPG and Me

GPG signature verification

Hunter2 – a script-oriented GPG + smartcard-based multiuser password manager

Show HN: Creds, manage API keys with GPG on the command line

Creating the perfect GPG keypair

Yubico with new 4096-bit keys and gpg-agent for ssh authentication

Bitmask 0.9.1: Automated GPG key handling, IMAP/SMTP local proxies

Show HN: Passbox – Another password manager using Bash and GPG

Show HN: The GPG keyserver gossip network (visualization)

GPG is awesome; GPG is terrible

GPG and Me

Show HN: Manage passwords with GPG

Thoughts on a GPG-based chat service

Secure yourself, Part 1: Air-gapped computer, GPG and smartcards

Defend against Cross-Build Injection with a Maven plugin that verifies gpg signatures.

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