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Introducing GPG Sync, an Open Source Tool for Organizations That Encrypt Email

The Teflon Toxin Part 3: How DuPont Slipped Past the EPA

The Philosopher of Surveillance

The Teflon Toxin

The Way GCHQ Obliterated The Guardian’s Laptops May Have Revealed More Than It Intended

Jeb Bush Comes Out Against Encryption

The Puritanical Glee Over the Ashley Madison Hack

The Many Things Wrong With the Anti-Encryption Op-Ed in the New York Times

EXCLUSIVE: Edward Snowden Explains Why Apple Should Continue To Fight the Government on Encryption

Boeing subsidiary Insitu would like to be able to deliver spyware via drone

How Hacking Team Created Spyware that Allowed the FBI To Monitor Tor Browser

XKEYSCORE: NSA’s Google for the World’s Private Communications

The FBI, DEA, and the U.S

Google Exec Turned Obama Official Won't Describe Magic Solution to Encryption Debate

In leaked emails, Hacking Team employee jokes about assassinating ACLU technologist and Hacking Team critic

Behind the Curtain: A Look at the Inner Workings of NSA's XKEYSCORE

Why Did the Firm That Sold Spyware to the UAE Win a Special Export License From State Department?

Inside the Secret World of NSA Art

Greenwald: The Sunday Times’ Snowden Story Is Journalism at Its Worst

How DOJ Gagged Google Over Surveillance of Wikileaks Volunteer

Google Accused of "Abusive" Conduct in Privacy App Case

GCHQ Unit Engaged In Domestic Law Enforcement, Online Propaganda, Psychology Research

NSA Won't Say if it Automatically Transcribes American Phone Calls in Bulk

Microsoft Gives Details About Its Controversial Disk Encryption

NSA Backdoor Searches Would End If House Amendment Survives

Congressman Warns of Encrypted "Dark Spaces"; Another Says: "Ooooh It Sounds Really Scary"

AutoCanary: machine-readable, digitally signed warrant canary statements

First Look Media releases PDF Redact Tools

NSA's Bulk Collection of Phone Records Is Illegal, Appeals Court Says

Many of the NSA’s Loudest Defenders Have Financial Ties to NSA Contractors

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