Soil analysis helped identify microscopically small fragments of bird feathers, canine and small mammalian hairs, and plant fibres in Stone Age burial site in eastern Finland

Researchers at the University of Helsinki have discovered a number of mutual connections between feline fearfulness, aggression and excessive grooming

Researchers propose that the role of the ectomycorrhizal fungi should be taken into account in models of carbon accounting.

Mining in shallow marine areas conflicts with international conservation and sustainability goals, bringing with it great environmental risks, states a recent study completed at the University of Helsinki,

Researchers demonstrated that the brains of people playing an online game together were synchronised without physical presence

New study on pathogenic Leishmania parasite sheds light on the evolution of cell’s force-producing machinery

Researchers at the University of Helsinki have discovered a novel mechanism by which Borrelia bacteria distributed by ticks avoid the human immune defence system.

In the Stone Age, pendants with potent symbolism were made from animal teeth and bones, but human bones were also used as a raw material for pendants, as demonstrated by a study where burial finds dating back over 8,200 years were re-examined after 80 years.

Trained sniffer dogs accurately detect airport passengers infected with SARS-CoV-2

"A single course of antibiotics caused a shift in the infant fungal gut composition

Fetal exposure to antidepressants or antiepileptic medications may affect the development of newborn brain networks..In the study novel mathematical methods were developed to allow future research on how commonly used drugs or other environmental conditions affect the newborn brain.

Wild birds learn to avoid distasteful prey by watching others

Study: Dogs’ fearfulness has a strong link to aggressive behaviour, with fearful dogs many times more likely to behave aggressively

Large-scale commodity farming accelerating climate change in the Amazon rainforest

Singing to pre­term in­fants dur­ing kangaroo care re­duces ma­ter­nal anxi­ety and sup­ports the mother–in­fant re­la­tion­ship.

Study proves that the socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with the onset of mental disorders

Researchers Discover Second 'Key' Used By Coronavirus To Enter Human Cells

Researchers in Finland build a "forest floor" in daycare that strengthens children's immune system

New study: When permafrost thaws due to global warming, not only the greenhouse gases known to all, but also organic compounds are released from the soil

Research: COVID-19 is echoed in dreams

Simultaneous stimulation helped a spinal cord injury patient regain the ability to walk

Insect declines and extinctions are accelerating in many parts of the world

Linux: A Portable Operating System – Linus Torvalds's Master's Thesis (1997)

In­creased use of an­ti­bi­ot­ics may pre­dis­pose to Par­kin­son's disease, suggests new study (n=13,976), which may be explained by their disruptive effects on the gut microbiome

Music is essential for the transmission of ethnobiological knowledge

Breast­feed­ing pro­tects in­fants from an­ti­bi­otic-res­ist­ant bac­teria, suggests a new study

Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature

A vac­cine for ed­ible plants to replace traditional pesticides - A new approach to plant protection involves vaccinating plants against pathogens with double-stranded RNA molecules that can be sprayed directly on the leaves.

Smil­ing hu­man faces are at­tract­ive to dogs – thanks to oxy­to­cin: Researchers found that oxytocin made dogs interested in smiling human faces

”Morn­ing larks” have weaker sleep spindles (bursts of brain activity on EEG) dur­ing night than “night owls”, in the first study to show a link between circadian preference and specific brain activity, as measured by sleep EEG monitoring in adolescents.

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