Dark matter may be older than the big bang, study suggests

A reusable breast cancer treatment device has been developed that offers a low-cost alternative for women in low-income and low-resource countries.

New analysis predicts top 25 U.S

Immunotherapy appears better than chemotherapy at treating aggressive form of skin cancer

Scientists model scenarios for breaking up or interrupting the path of asteroids on a collision course with Earth, and find that asteroids are stronger and harder to destroy than previously thought.

Deep brain stimulation not effective for treating early Alzheimer's - Deep brain stimulation, while effective for those over 65 and for those with Parkinson's disease, doesn't appear to benefit patients with early onset Alzheimer's.

New study finds financial fallout from breast cancer can last years and cause series of cascading economic consequences for survivors and families

Colonoscopies lead to many more infections than previously thought. Some outpatient centers have infection risks 100 times higher than expected.

Johns Hopkins surgeons perform world's first male genital transplant

Improved Hubble data provide fresh evidence for new physics

Having an audience might make you perform better, study finds - Johns Hopkins neuroscientist discovers that performing a task in front of an audience triggers part of the brain associated with action and motor skills

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are 3rd-leading cause of death in US

Johns Hopkins engineering students build custom walker for tiny toddler

Diet rich in apples, tomatoes may help repair lungs of ex-smokers, according to a study from Johns Hopkins.

This training exercise boosts brain power, Johns Hopkins researchers say

Losing weight at any age leads to cost savings, new Johns Hopkins Public Health study suggests

Scientists at Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, the University of Trento in Italy, and Harvard Medical School report they have developed a new molecular technique that can be used to isolate thousands of long DNA sequences at the same time…

19-year-olds as sedentary as 60-year-olds, study suggests

Kill them with cute: The adorable behavior that helps bats catch prey

Neuroscientists have found the brain network behind numerical reasoning is identical in blind and sighted people, but found the visual cortex in blind people is highly involved in doing math, suggesting the brain is vastly more adaptable than previously believed.

Income inequality leads many millennials to start families before getting married

Physicists suggest we might have just found dark matter while detecting gravitational waves.

Caffeine use disorder

Man moves individual fingers on prosthetic arm using only his thoughts

Study: U.S. hospitals throw away $15M in unused surgical supplies each year

In a paper published this week researchers found it is possible to damage the speaking part of the brain but leave the writing part unaffected — and vice versa — even when dealing with morphemes, the tiniest meaningful components of the language system including suffixes like “er,” “ing,” and “ed.”

Coloring used in some sodas poses cancer risk to consumers, study suggests - John Hopkin

Hallucinogen in 'magic mushrooms' helps longtime smokers quit in Hopkins trial