Strong evidence for modified gravity at low acceleration from Gaia observations of wide binary stars

Scientists detect the coolest brown dwarf (at a temperature of ~700 Kelvin, equivalent to 420℃) observed to produce radio emission

Distance Duality Test: The Evolution of Radio Sources Mimics a Nonexpanding Universe

Cosmology in Minkowski space: New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion

Focus on NANOGrav's 15yr Data Set and the Gravitational Wave Background

Evidence of a Decreased Binary Fraction for Massive Stars within 20 milliparsecs of the Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center

Researchers report that substitution of PET adhesive tapes could greatly reduce self-discharge in the widely used lithium-ion batteries, thus extending battery life.

Astronomers have discovered a second shadow sweeping across the face of a vast gas-and-dust disk surrounding the red dwarf star TW Hydrae

X-Ray-Luminous Supernovae: Threats to Terrestrial Biospheres

The first black hole portrait gets reconstructed using machine learning

The Dynamical Consequences of a Super-Earth in the Solar System

Review and viability of a Dyson Swarm as a form of Dyson Sphere

Uncompensated claims to fair emission space risk putting Paris Agreement goals out of reach

Study finds observational evidence that Black Holes may be the origin of dark energy & expansion of the universe

Researchers realize complete family of logic gates using silicon-on-silica waveguides at 1.55 μm

Arctic river discharge has increased by 10% per decade over the past 60 years, according to new research

Aliens haven't contacted Earth because there's no sign of intelligence here, new answer to the Fermi paradox suggests

Frequent pro-climate messaging does not predict pro-climate voting by United States legislators

Study of vegetation across New York City and some densely populated adjoining areas has found on many summer days, photosynthesis by trees and grasses absorbs all the carbon emissions produced by cars…

Toward a theory of "stepped-leaders" of lightning

Physical Warp Drives (2021)

Experimental indications of non-classical brain functions

A first of it's kind national study finds that previously frozen winter nutrient pollution unlocked by rising winter temperatures and rainfall—is putting water quality at risk in 40% of the contiguous U.S.…

A subpolar-focused stratospheric aerosol injection deployment scenario

Climate change drives the compound effect of future increased lightning ignition efficiency and lightning strikes on boreal wildfire occurrence.

Researchers have discovered an "Ocean planet" named TOI-1452 b, which is slightly greater in size and mass than Earth and is located at a distance from its star where its temperature would be neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist on its surface.

Breaking the warp barrier: solitons in Einstein–Maxwell-plasma theory (2021)

New Record for Strongest Magnetic Field in Universe: More Than 1.6 Billion Tesla

An independent reanalysis concludes that the ring in EHT M87 picture is an artifact (the 1st image of a black hole)

Scientists have 3D-printed and studied the properties of samples of a porous iron-silicon alloy for implants that would regenerate broken bones and naturally dissolve in the body

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