AT&T; Syntax versus Intel Syntax

Inspired from the wings of Gentoo penguins, researchers develop a potentially chemical-free solution to ice build up on electric wires, wind turbines and possibly even airplane wings

Drawing inspiration from nature, researchers developed a medical adhesives that stops blood loss and promotes blood coagulation

It’s Time to Let the Five Stages of Grief Die

Novel genetically based impulsivity score may help identify children who are especially vulnerable

A biological super glue from mistletoe berries?

Using anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve pain could increase the chances of developing chronic pain, according to researchers.

Largest ever psychedelics study maps changes of conscious awareness to neurotransmitter systems

Synthetic tissue can repair hearts, muscles, and vocal cords

How to turn specific genes on and off. Treatment of a wide range of diseases may advance thanks to new epigenetic editing technique

By 2500 earth could be alien to humans

Researchers examined the effects of smoking on more than nine million deliveries in the Unites States over 11 years

Getting 'Steinached' was all the rage in Roaring ’20s (2017)

People who are more creative can think of ideas with greater "distances" between them

Forest fires have crept higher up mountains over the past few decades, scorching areas previously too wet to burn

Americans are super-spreaders of COVID-19 misinformation

Researchers have established that Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) include radio waves at frequencies lower than ever detected before, a discovery that redraws the boundaries for theoretical astrophysicists trying to put their finger on the source of FRBs.

Researchers have developed innovative tough gel sheathed sutures inspired by the human tendon

Narwhal tusks reveal mercury exposure related to climate change - Like rings in a tree trunk, a narwhal’s tusk provides a window into changing conditions in the Arctic

Scientists have found a clear genetic signal that separated cognitive processes, like attention, from more affective processes, like fear

"Sperm remember a father’s environment (diet) and transmit that information to the embryo" by a non-DNA mechanism

Methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells underestimated

Study on mice finds possible mechanism that contributes to the ability of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to increase social interaction

Mothers with multiple children report more fragmented sleep than mothers of a single child, but the number of children in a family doesn't seem to affect the quality of sleep for fathers.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Probably Not Real

The approval of ketamine for treatment-resistant depression was a major advance in psychiatry

Strong social support decreases mental health problems in young adults

Trust in public institutions is linked to fewer COVID-19 deaths, but trust and belonging to groups is associated with more deaths, according to a wide-ranging, McGill-led study of 30-day COVID-19 mortality rates in 84 countries

Specialized cellular compartments discovered in bacteria: Discovery of bacterial “organs” could pave the way for a new generation of antibiotics

Why loneliness may be the biggest threat to survival and longevity

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