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Reports of the death of dental cavities are greatly exaggerated

Researchers have discovered the neurological mechanism behind anorexia nervosa in mice: it's a deficit in acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in a brain region known as the striatum

Ultrafine particles linked to over 1,000 deaths per year in Canada’s two largest cities

The Earth's natural forces could substantially reduce Antarctica’s impact on rising sea levels, but only if carbon emissions are swiftly reduced in the coming decades

How Deep Can Humans Go?

The Hype Around Photobiomodulation

Cutting-edge technology capable of detecting and deciphering nanoplastics from all other particles in water instantly

Study finds weak link between adolescent use of video games, computers and other media with psychotic experiences in adulthood

Small dietary changes can cut your carbon footprint by 25%: Researchers find evidence that partially replacing red and processed meat with plant protein foods can increase lifespan and mitigate climate change.

Environmental toxins may be putting future generations at risk

Women in low income or under-developed regions who have access to their own mobile phone have healthier pregnancies and healthier babies at birth

Researchers have made a breakthrough in diagnostic technology, inventing a ‘lab on a chip’ that can be 3D-printed in just 30 minutes

Climate change triggered by massive volcanic eruptions may have ultimately set the stage for the dinosaur extinction, challenging the traditional narrative that a meteorite alone delivered the final blow to the ancient giants.

Eye-to-eye contact during conversations is rare and happen only 3.5% of the time but shapes our social behavior and "this time, even it lasts for a few seconds, appears to be an important predictive factor for subsequent social behavior”

A sustainable alternative to air conditioning

Study of 364 male found those who reported experiencing a greater sense of meaning in their lives were less likely to experience general psychological strain (including depressive and anxiety) and enhanced resilience and lessening loneliness

Graph Representation Learning [pdf]

A mathematician looks at the French verb (2015) [pdf]

One step closer to developing a potentially ultraprotective sunscreen from our own melanin

Studying a country whose proportion of migrants has tripled in less than ten years (Chile), researchers find immigration negatively impacts people’s perceptions of crime but has no effect on actual crime rates

Surveying the body sizes of Earth’s living organisms, researchers found the planet’s biomass – the material that makes up all living organisms – is concentrated in organisms at either end of the size spectrum: largest or smallest

Andrew Huberman Has Supplements on the Brain

Seismic analysis of East Anatolian fault identifies probable epicentre for next major earthquake as Pütürge, Türkiye (Turkey)

Scientists have gained new insights into the part of the brain that gives us a sense of direction: the findings shed light on how the brain orients itself in changing environments – and even the processes that can go wrong with degenerative diseases like dementia

Genes shed light on why men and women experience different depression symptoms: researchers found 11 areas of DNA that were linked to depression in females, and only one area in males

Obesity can cause changes in the brain similar to Alzheimer's

The discovery of fossils dating back 250.8 million years near the Guizhou region of China suggests that complex ecosystems were present on Earth just one million years after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction…

Vinyl Chloride and the Ohio Train Derailment

While changing temperatures and rainfall had little impact on the crocodiles’ gene flow over the past three million years, changes to sea levels during the Ice Age had a different effect

Significant reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions still possible

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