Watch live Revision 2023 - the biggest demo scene event. WebGL is being used too

Prototyping Active Disk Antiforensics (2012)

Relive: 50 years of C, the good, the bad and the ugly

Write a Wayland Compositor

Everything is an input device (fun with barcodes)

The tooling ecosystem that adds joy to KiCad

Is there hope for Linux on smartphones?

Electric Vehicles Are Going to Suck; Here's Why

Signal: You Were the Chosen One

May Contain Hackers 2022 – Live Streams

Practical bruteforce of military grade AES-1024

How international money transfers work

What the World can learn from Hongkong

When WikiLeaks bumped into the CIA: Operation Kudo exposed

rC3 NOWHERE Streaming

When WikiLeaks bumped into the CIA: Operation Kudo exposed [0:19:27]

How the reputation economy is turning us into conformists (by Tijmen Schep)

What have we lost?

RC3 Streams

RC3 talk: How to survive in spacecraft

How Surveillance Companies track you using Mobile Networks

CIA vs. WikiLeaks: Intimiditation surveillance and tactics observed/experienced

The 37th Chaos Communication Congress, with ample of talks about hacking in the most general sense..

Arch Conf 2020

Arch Conf – Arch Conf 2020 Streaming

The programming architecture of Babbage's Analytical Engine

Inside the Fake Like Factories

Preserving arcade games (2014)

Select Code_execution from * Using SQLite;

36C3 Streams

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