Why Facebook Won’t Stop Pushing Propaganda

Your Odds of Going Back to the Office Are Dropping by the Day — Apple, Google, Lyft, the New York Times, Twitter

It's Not Just Income Taxes. Billionaires Don't Pay Inheritance Taxes Either.

How Amazon Bullies, Manipulates, and Lies to Reporters

Facebook Doesn’t Want to Talk About Fake Users Created by the Pentagon: Social media platforms have promised to root out similar activity by “foreign” actors.

Canada declares plastics toxic, paving the way for restrictions

Researchers Say They’ve Uncovered a Massive Facebook Bot Farm from the 2020 Election

Facebook Oversight Board Is “an Elaborate Public Relations Stunt”

Report: Facebook still struggles to contain misinformation

Telegram Finally Takes Down Neo-Nazi Channels

QAnon is Supposed to Be All About Protecting Kids. Its Primary Enabler Appears to Have Hosted Child Porn Domains.

Facebook Manipulated the News You See to Appease Republicans, Insiders Say

Facebook Manipulated the News You See to Appease Republicans, Insiders Say

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Is Now Linked to More Than 250,000 Coronavirus Cases

Anarchist Activists Say Facebook Banned Them to Placate the Right

California’s Wildfire Policy Backfired (2019)

Inside the Facebook group where doctors process their immense coronavirus grief

Google Workers Are Demanding That the Company Stop Working With Police

This Week, Mark Zuckerberg Sided with Donald Trump. History Won’t Forget It.

Facebook Employees Consider Work Stoppage to Push Zuckerberg to Take Action on Trump

Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America

How an “Old Hippie” Got Accused of Astroturfing the Right-Wing Campaign to Reopen the Economy

How Do You Know If You’re Living Through the Death of an Empire?

How a Russian Billionaire With a Criminal Past Became a Major Investor in Lyft and other US tech firms.

Why Mark Zuckerberg’s Plea for Regulation is an Enormous Cop-Out - The social media giant follows an old tech playbook: Break things and let someone else clean up.

Bloomberg Just Bought CityLab–and Put Half Its Reporters Out of a Job

The Opioid Settlement Will Fund Desperate Counties–But Could Come at Steep Cost

Did America Forget How to Make the H-Bomb? (2009)

Researchers Assembled over 100 Voting Machines. Hackers Broke into Every Single One.

Millions of Americans’ Medical Information Is Available on the Internet, Where Anyone Can Take a Peek - 100s of computer servers worldwide that store patient X-rays & MRIs are so insecure that anyone with a web browser or a few lines of computer code can view patient records.

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