The presence of a spouse helps someone calm down faster after a stressful event

Engineers use origami principles for a new class of mechanisms that fold out from a curved surface without taking up space below the surface

Autism researchers show how to help children with autism feel calm during an MRI

Party over platform: Trump's varied statements on a range of issues gave political scientists a unique opportunity to see that Trump supporters are more attached to the party label than conservative principles.

Study of U.S. parents and teens found that parents overestimate how often they talk with their children about sex

Genetic researchers map 7-foot-6-inch former NBA player Shawn Bradley's genome

Study: Today’s dads are engaging more with their kids

The greater emotional control and problem-solving abilities a mother has, the less likely her children will develop behavioral problems, such as throwing tantrums or fighting

Methane ice dunes spotted on Pluto

Insomniacs feel awake when technically asleep. Good sleepers feel asleep sooner than they really are

Materialism in marriage linked to devaluation of marriage

Better than a hologram: Engineers create a system that projects 3D images that float in the air. Holograms are just 2D projected images.

85 percent of binge-watching young adults eat less than one serving of fruit per day. Even fewer eat a serving of vegetables.

Mental health apps are a cheap, effective self-help tool

Feeling like you're the favorite child matters more to a younger sibling than it does to the first-born.

Study shows stress could be just as unhealthy as junk food

Marriage and finance study shows husbands who simply think their wife is bad with money are 9 times more likely to experience financial conflict

Breakdown of new science teachers and if they get assigned to teach the subject they trained in: 40% teach out of their field entirely, 24% are partially in/partially out; 36% teach exclusively in their field.

How taste, touch and sound affect when you buy: Advertisements highlighting more distal sensory experiences (sight/sound) lead people to delay purchasing, while highlighting more proximal sensory experiences (touch/taste) lead to earlier purchases…

Regular exercise gives your cells a nine-year age advantage as measured by telomere length

When a group of mice was restricted to consume 35% fewer calories, there was an almost linear increase in lifespan

Children absorb aggression from superhero culture much more than the altruism

Sunshine matters. A lot

Researchers drew blood on good and bad air quality days in Utah and found air pollution damages blood vessels.

Women think they will have to fend for themselves when recruited to run for office. Men assume they'll get help.

People disregard security warnings on computers because they come at bad times

Study on Disney Princess culture finds adoption of stereotypes by girls, positive impact for boys

In a recent study aimed at understanding the how dogs interpret the emotional cues of their human friends, researchers found dogs were less likely to trust someone who appeared angry.

Bacterial spores survive 670 mph crash tests conducted to assess whether they'd survive space travel (test organism: Bacilius subtilis)

People eat more when noises mask chewing sounds

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