High-res graphics on a text-only TRS-80

Global PC shipments growing again

Visual Studio support for Windows 10 on ARM development

Apple to open source the Lisa operating system and applications

Modern tech product reviews are flawed

Sun's Project Looking Glass debuted 14 years ago

More than 1 billion Android devices run outdated software

Google does not know multilingual people exist

Replacing exploit-ridden firmware with a Linux kernel

PC-MOS released under GPL

The lack of multilingual affordances in modern software

How old are operating systems?

Apple's deafening silence on net neutrality

Android Is a Dead End

Android developers can now block rooted devices, Netflix bites

Windows Vista officially dead

Nintendo Switch runs FreeBSD

The first official Mac clone: Daydream

The curious case of NextStep on AIX

The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone (2013)

A history of Palm

Fuchsia: a new open source OS by Google for phones, PCs

Neat Proof-of-Concept: Windows Kernel-mode drivers written in Rust

Palm: I'm Ready to Wallow Now (2013)

Palm: I'm ready to wallow now