Amazon's bestselling bitter lemon energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss

Leaving Twitter had no effect on NPR's traffic

One of America's most corporate-crime-friendly judges forced to recuse himself

How Google's trial secrecy lets it control the coverage

Apple fucked us on right to repair (again)

How unions won a 30% raise for every fast food worker in California

Paying consumer debts is basically optional in the United States

“Open” “AI” Isn't

Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components

At long last, a meaningful step to protect Americans' privacy

Forcing your computer to rat you out

Kickstarting a book to end enshittification, because Amazon will not carry it

Tesla’s Dieselgate


Why they're smearing Lina Khan

Enshittification: How Platforms Die

To save the news, repeal the app tax

‘We buy ugly houses’ is code for ‘we steal vulnerable peoples’ homes’

Rent Control Works

Ireland’s privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher

How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it

Company that makes millions spying on students will get to sue a whistleblower

Convicted monopolist [Microsoft] prevented from re-offending

Everything advertised on social media is overpriced junk

The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble

TurboTax is blitzing Congress for the right to tax YOU

This is your brain on fraud apologetics

Netflix wants to chop down your family tree

Eggflation is just more price-gouging

Poor people pay higher time tax

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