Hominins Hunted Beavers At Least 400,000 Years Ago, Ancient Bones Reveal

Paleontologists from China and Brazil have identified a new species of chaoyangopterid pterosaur from two specimens, one of which is the most complete and well-preserved chaoyangopterid recorded to date.

Middle Paleolithic Human Diet was more diverse than previously thought

Willow Bark Extracts Have Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Effect: Study

Cat hair can be used to link a suspect and a crime scene or victim by sequencing its mtDNA (passed from mothers to offspring)

Paleontologists in Mongolia have unearthed a nearly complete and articulated skeleton of a previously unknown genus and species of alvarezsaurid dinosaur that lived more than 72 million years ago

Eggs of Earliest Dinosaurs Were Leathery, Fossils Show.

Neanderthals Interbred with Now-Extinct Lineage of Early Modern Humans Over 250,000 Years Ago

Anthropologists Reconstruct Face of Homo heidelbergensis

Archaeologists have found direct evidence that seaweeds & submerged aquatic & freshwater plants were eaten in the Mesolithic, through the Neolithic transition to farming & into the Early Middle Ages…

Astrophysicists Put All Objects in Universe into One Pedagogical Plot

Scientists Find Tiny Traces of DNA in 6-Million-Year-Old Turtle Shell

New Research Provides Further Clues to Nature of Dark Matter

Paleontologists Detect Traces of Ancient Proteins in Fossil Feathers

8.7-Million-Year-Old Fossil Suggests Ancestors of Humans and African Apes Evolved in Europe

2,800-Year-Old Arrowhead from the late Bronze Age settlement of Mörigen, Switzerland Was Made of Meteoritic Iron

Climate Shifts Orchestrated Interbreeding between Neanderthals & Denisovans

New paleoclimate evidence shows that around 1.1 million years ago, the southern European climate cooled significantly and caused an extinction of archaic humans on the continent.

Scientists documented a surge of interest in bird feeding that occurred around the world after COVID-19 led to lockdowns where people stayed home: 115 countries saw an increase in bird feeding search interest.

Middle Pleistocene Humans Possessed Sophisticated Woodworking Skills, Study Reveals

Earth’s Day was a Constant 19.5 Hours for Almost 1.5 Billion Years, Study Says

Webb May Have Spotted Supermassive Dark Stars

Our Universe is 26.7 Billion Years Old, Astrophysicist Claims (new research challenges the dominant model and resolves the 'early galaxy' problem without needing primordial black hole seeds…

A 5000-year-old grave in Copper Age Iberia was assumed to be for an elite male leader

IceCube Detects High-Energy Neutrino Emission from Milky Way’s Galactic Plane.

A team of researchers from Mizoram University and the Max Planck Institute for Biology has discovered a new species of the gecko genus Gekko living in the Indian state of Mizoram.

A new South African fossil reveals the smallest Jurassic Sauropodomorph dinosaur

Phosphorus, Rare Building Block for Life, Discovered at Enceladus

A new genus and species, Vectipelta barretti, of armored ankylosaurian dinosaur has been identified from fossils found on the Isle of Wight, the United Kingdom.

All Large Objects in Universe may Eventually Evaporate

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