GeoWorks: The Other “Windows”

Close Your Open Tabs (2018)

Bring Back Web1

Image File Formats That Didn’t Make It

The History of WD-40

Why Physical Objects Degrade over Time

Bog-Standard Multimedia:Why PC industry standardized on multimedia in the 90s

LAMP Stack History: It’s Everywhere, But Developers Hate It

Plug and Play History: The Design Decision That Made PCs Complicated

Throw It in the Pile

App Store Predecessors: Many Early Attempts at Digital Distribution

The Distribution Vector That Changed Linux Forever

Geoworks and AOL (2019)

Out of Memory Error – The RAM Shortage of 1988 (2016)

The Lone Coder

Is the Secret to Saving Old Websites Simplifying Digital Preservation?

Novell Meets Apple: How MacOS Nearly Went Intel in 1992

IBM Port-A-Punch: create punched card documents anywhere

Remote Desktop Access History: Pretty Cool, Until a Hacker Does It

WRT54G History: The Router That Accidentally Went Open Source

Respect Your Power Users

How AltaVista, our first good search engine, fell into the digital abyss

FTP Fadeout

BBS Graphics History: Pretty Until the Web Showed Up

Have we let the LED indicator light go too far?

Why Apple ditched PowerPC, and what it says about Apple ditching Intel

The Aloha point-of-sale system

Mistakes were made: ERP screwups

Over the past 35 years, views on privacy and Caller ID have flipped

Procedurally Generated Text: A Writing Process Built for Computers

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