
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Smartphone Tethering: A Bigger Grind Than It Needed to Be

GeoWorks: The Other Windows (2019)

Why is it so hard to share links on LinkedIn?

How CD pregaps gained their hidden track superpowers

How I Made Google's "Web" View My Default Search

The Z80: The CPU That Will Never Die

The IMEI Code: Your phone’s other number

Luster Lost: Pondering the way that physical objects degrade over time

The No Symbol: The History of the Red Circle-Slash

The Sneaky Standard – Intel PCI Standardization History

What Was ISDN?

GeoWorks Geos: The Other Windows

Why 3M stopped making floppy disks in the '90s

HTML hacks that shaped the Internet

Discussing CNET’s content-pruning to improve SEO ranking

Let the internet be grimy

Instant Messenger History: Lessons for the Threads Era of Social Media

Why FTP could soon disappear from the Internet (2020)

Want to get stuff done? Build yourself a “friction tunnel”

Can SGI’s enthusiast community bring IRIX back to life?

CISC-y RISC-ness

Self-Host All the Things?

Why do modern pop songs have so many credited writers?

Hayes command set history: The tech that dialed in a million modems

No More Eternal Septembers (2020)

The Technorati Generation

How the Billboard Hot 100 Lost Interest in the Key Change

The Execution of All Things

The Original “Universal” Port by Atari

Why Your Next Home Computer Should Be an Old Xeon Workstation

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