Bytecode and the Busicom (2022)

Projects Innovating Around RISC-V

Happy 65th Birthday, Integrated Circuit

Inmos and the Transputer – Parallel Ventures

Captain Zilog Crushed: The Story of the Z8000

RISC-V Origins and Architecture, Part 1

Xerox PARC Special

Ericsson to WhatsApp: The Story of Erlang

The First 'Apple Silicon' – The Aquarius Processor Project

The RISC Wars Part 1: The Cambrian Explosion

RISC on a Chip: David Patterson and Berkeley RISC-I

iAPX432: Gordon Moore, Risk and Intel’s Super-CISC Failure

RISC-V: The Last ISA?

Chip Letter Links: ASML, RISC-V, IBM Research, Unix History

The Mainframe in Your Pocket Running Minicomputer Software

Cash, Canadians and CPUs: Intel's 'Lost' Early Microprocessor

The First RISC: John Cocke and the IBM 801

Faraday and Babbage: Semiconductors and Computing in 1833

Noyce and the Microprocessor